Portable generators are a great way to fill the gap between your daily power needs and those times of emergency or when you’d otherwise be away from reliable access to electricity but still need a bit of juice. Whether that’s when you’re camping away from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind, or in the midst of a big storm that’s knocked out power, you’ll find your portable generator can be exactly what you need to get through the night.

Your friends at Synergy Equipment have put together this short guide to help you find the right portable generator for your needs. Make sure you’re investing in the right power source by continuing to read, or if you’re ready to pick one out head into one of our locations in Florida and Georgia.


Portable generators are a great alternate power source option because they’re less expensive than their stationary counterparts. This can sometimes mean a difference of thousands and thousands of dollars. But getting a generator isn’t just about finding the cheapest option. Consider how much you’re willing to spend on a generator and then price the kind that you’ll need. If there’s a disconnect, then you’ll either need to expand your budget or find more creative ways to power your project.


Size tends to be the biggest concern for portable generators. They’re meant to be moved around, so it won’t do to have one that is too big for you to transport. Likewise, you might find something small and perfectly portable only to discover it doesn’t have enough oomph for your needs. Make room for the generator size that you need to be safe and efficient. Portable generators are going to be a smaller by nature, even if you throw wheels on them. Keep in mind, it’s generally okay to have more than enough power but you’re going to be up a creek without a watt paddle if your generator isn’t packing the punch you need it to.

Wattage will be the primary factor in deciding on generate size. You’ll also need a good idea about how much power you want out of your generator. That means running some numbers! Make a note of all the tools and machines that you want your generator to power. Then take down the number of watts needed to power these devices. Bump that number up a little bit and consider this the bare minimum for the size generator you’ll need. When you turn on a device, it uses more energy to start up before settling into the amount of power it needs to run. For example, if you have a device that needs 800 watts, it might actually use 1200 to get started. If you’ve sold yourself too short, then the device won’t turn on.


Propane, gasoline, diesel, and solar are all popular types of portable generators. Propane and gasoline are often the preferred choice for families or occasional recreational or emergency use. It’s easy to find and relatively cheaper when you’re looking to use a generator only once in a while. Diesel is generally the more efficient option since it burns slower, so if you use your generator a lot, this might be the better choice for you. And, of course, solar is the more sustainable solution, but it can also leave you less tied down to the developed world if you’re a particularly adventurous traveler. Just keep in mind you will need reliable access to sunlight to make this the best option. In the end, a lot of buyers choose a hybrid option, so if they suddenly lose access to one fuel type, they’re not stuck with a generator that won’t run. 

Hopefully we’ve helped you on your way to finding the right portable generator for your needs. If you’re after more information, or you’re just ready to check out our stock of new and used generators, head into Synergy Equipment at one of our locations in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Our team of dedicated professionals are ready to answer all your questions and help you find what you’re looking for. Come in today!