While safety in the workplace is a priority at every jobsite, this season often increases workplace stress and the team at Synergy Equipment understands these added distractions and stresses lead to more safety concerns. Stay on top of the following 7 major safety concerns to make your workplace safe with Synergy Equipment.

Include Safety Concerns in Safety Training

 A little safety training can prevent serious problems like on-the-job injuries. Here are some of the top safety concerns every employer should stay alert to:

·           Fatigue

·           Rushing and frustration

·           Ladder safety

·           Electrical safety

·           Slips, trips, and falls

·           Food safety

·           Drunk and drowsy driving

Beat Fatigue and Slow Down to Avoid Injuries

The beginning of the year is often the busiest for many companies and extended hours or extra work can lead to fatigue and even frustration as deadlines and quotas loom. Tired and worn-down employees often end up injured, especially when operating heavy machinery or climbing equipment like ladders. Slips, trips, and falls are common. Employees might be rushing to get things done or ignoring essential safety precautions in the workplace, potentially causing serious injury or even a fatality.

Safety for Operating Heavy Machinery

Operating heavy machinery improperly can lead to serious injuries and death to the operator and those surrounding the machinery. It’s always crucial to only use heavy machinery exactly as intended, while always being aware of your surroundings. Before operating the equipment, it’s important to thoroughly inspect the machinery for any signs of wear, tear or mechanical failure. Always wear your PPE on heavy machinery. 

At Synergy Equipment, we know how important safety on the job is. This time of year it’s extremely important for employers to stay alert to safety concerns. If you want to learn more about what we do, or safety in the workplace, contact us or check out our blog.     

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